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Key : ykrkbh
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Indexes 425+ active torrents
The torrents are movies, TV shows, soundtracks all related to the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. A few exclusive, unique torrents have also been indexed.

Merlin is operated by experienced crew who are responsible for running the successful ACiD tracker.

indexes movies, TV shows and music that belong to Science Fiction / Fantasy genres.
As of posting this , about 420 members - signups are open through IRC and email, address posted in Open-sign up's page.
Site may open doors to Open Signups in future.
User Limit is fixed to 15K members.
Staff aims to provide only the latest stuff in Sci-Fi genre - Music/movies are restricted to Sci-Fi only !!
A couple of quotes from the tracker site
To be eligible for invites the following Rules Must Be followed!
- You will have downloaded Something and seeded it 1:1
- Must been using the forums and becoming part of the community.
- Don't make asking for invites your first post-You have been warned.
- Then Its up to the Staff Member to give Extra Invites at their discretion.
- To request in posts post in this forum topic: Ask for extra invites here
* A Hit & Run here on ML is when you complete a torrent, stop it and do not return to seed within 24 hrs. This applies to all torrents whether they are free download torrents, ratio boosters, and special vip torrents, such as movie box sets etc... unless other wise stated by a staff member.
* You need to be active on every torrent you download for a minimum of 72 hrs (3 days) or, achieve a 1:1 ratio, unless the torrent is over 20 gb's in size. This means total time downloading and seeding.
* If the torrent is over 20GB's in size then we require that you be active on it for 120 hrs (5 days) or achieve a 1:1 ratio (Which ever comes first). This means total time downloading and seeding.
Something special about the tracker
Flash Game arcade System-You can troll there all day !!
Don't forget to donate some invites !! :)